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Students' Envoy's Epigram


Five years ago, young, some right after their military service, some after their big trip abroad, and some after a different meaningful chapter in their lives, we took a major decision, and decided to enroll to Ariel University School of Architecture. Only few of us realized just then, how impactful this event would be. A degree in architecture, B.Arch, isn't just a document that proves that we studied for five years, but is also a way of life, as a student – intensive, inquiring, asking questions, giving up sleep, and long hours of brain picking and sketching. As a graduate, an architect, all those things don't cease to exist, but they intensify, and with them we receive a major responsibility over space. A moral responsibility, a result of knowing a thing or two about urbanism, ecology, functioning-spaces, being in the world and more, we, as architects, are committed to create a better environment, inspired by all those values and principals. 

During the last five years, not once, we were asked by friends and family: "Well - How are you? What are you doing these days?" – we got used to answer in pride combined with guilt – "Yes… we're still there – studying" – Pride for the exclusive club in which we are part of, and some shame in our heads saying: "It takes so long! We should give back to society already". We knew, that school of architecture and professional life are the same in this case, and professional life, much as school, is a learning process, thus we'll always be in the process of learning something new, asking questions and broadening our horizons. 

Today, we are venturing forth on a new path, and during the last five years, one could say we were packing and preparing for this day, and not alone. Throughout the years, brave friendships were forged, hours were spent in the studios, usually in real-late hours, and today we are proud to stand here, together, and in our toolbox a great set of tools and values, given by our excellent and devoted teachers, helping hands from each other, and endless self-searches.

"Every great architect is - necessarily - a great poet. He must be a great original interpreter of his time, his day, his age." Frank Lloyd Wright 
As young architects, we are requested to show originality, excellence and unique way of thinking, while constantly caring for the other and our surroundings, and this should be our motivation – the desire to create a better world.

We would like to express our gratitude to the management team, our teachers, for their devotion and professionalism.

So this is the time to renew our passports, smile at the world for we now embark on a new journey, and if we'll carefully look, we'd sure to see the world smile back at us.


      Fasten your seat belts.

Ohad Alon

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